Attention all educators looking for revitalisation and/ opportunities to share their enthusiasms in developing their practice


10.00-12.30 Saturday 11th March, Room 1WN 3.11 of the Department of Education of the University of Bath

Improving Education With Our Pupils Through Practitioner-Research:

How do I improve what I am doing? 

Teachers  and educators in B&NES have been getting excited about their practice and how they are trying to improve what they are doing. Want to know more about who is doing what and where? 

Stephen Bamford  - How do I improve what I am doing, provide evidence that I have done so and live my values more fully? 

Nina Denley – How am I enhancing communication within my classroom with traditional stories and using both non-verbal and verbal language? 

Claire Formby – How can I improve learning in my class through the explicit teaching of emotional literacy? An educational enquiry. 

Juliet Hayward – How can I improve collaborative learning in my classroom?

Marie Huxtable – How can I improve my practice through 'walking the talk' and 'dealing with doorsteps'?

Chris Jones – How can I further develop the ethos of inclusion whereby policy, culture and practice ensure that children grow up in a inclusive environment which recognises the equality of opportunity and encourages the participation and achievement of all, thereby supporting the premise on which I have always based my individual educational planning?

James Payn – Can I value, improve and assess story telling in my class? 

Richard Varley – How can I improve the quality of learning for disaffected pupils in a BESD school and help my school to recover from Special Measures? 

Margaret White – How can I create a sense of well-being and relaxation through positive and nurturing touch in my Year 3 classroom? 

Jack Whitehead – How can I racialise my educational conversations with whiteness in a way that doesn't damagingly scarify myself and others?


After the introductions we willl  share our interests and enquiries in round table conversations with an emphasis on what we value in what we are doing. 

Around 11.00 we will share information on how you can access fully TTA funded registration for educational enquiry and research MA units like the above enquiries.  We will also have a collection of accounts by other local teachers on how they are working with their pupils to improve their learning. We have put a number of these stories in the living theory and masters programme sections of .  There is a lot of interest in the use of video to show what we are doing in our classrooms. We will have a look at a couple of video-narratives from local classrooms to show how this can be done.

If you are intending to join us on the morning of the 11th March do please e-mail Marie Huxtable  at   to let us know so that we can provide enough refreshments. 

Dates for your Diary if you would like to join Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead for educational conversations on Tuesday evenings 5.15-7.00 in 1WN 3.8 on: 

14, 21, 28 March;  25 April; 2, 23 May; 6, 13, 20, 27 June.

Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead   9th February 2006.