Jack Whitehead's Writings


Format Description
pdf Whitehead, J. (2024) Generating living-educational-theories with love in transforming excessive teacher entitlement. Final draft from inclusion in Ratnum, T. & Craig, C. (Ed.) (2024). After Excessive Teacher and Faculty Entitlement: Expanding the Space for Healing and Human Flourishing Through Ideological Becoming. Leeds, UK; Emerald Publishing.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2024) Digital technology during COVID-19 in Global Living Educational Theory Research, in Nanwani, S. & Loxley, W. (2024) Social Structure Adaptation to COVID-19: Impact on Humanity. London; Routledge.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable,M. (2023) Developing professional learning through collaboration and learning from other professions with living-educational-theories. Jack Whitehead,Marie Huxtable. Paper presented at IPDA 2023 conference 29 June at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Why a focus on 'what is educational?' matters so much in reconstructing education? Irish Educational Studies. September 2023, https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2023.2251451
pdf Flyer for Jacqueline Delong's and Jack Whitehead's 2023 book 'You and Your Living-Educational-Theory. How to conduct a values-based inquiry for human flourishing'.
pdf Shaik-Abdullah, S., Noor, M. S. A. M. & Whitehead, J. (2023) Delving into Living Educational Theory (LET) research: A conversation with Jack Whitehead. Malaysian Journal of Action Research, 1(1). 11-22.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2023). Using technology globally in evidence-based pedagogic research in living-educational-theories. A presentation at the Solstice/CLT Conference on the 15th June 2023 at Edge Hill University
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2023) Improving the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education.
pdf Delong, J., & Whitehead, J. (2023). You and Your Living-Educational Theory: How to Conduct a Values-Based Inquiry for Human Flourishing. London: Routledge.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022) Developing a Living Educational Theory Research approach to Enhance Community Based Educational Research (COMBER). Educational Research for Social Change, 11(2) 1-23.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2022) Using Living Educational Theory and Action Research to Change Lives. A paper presented at the Collaborative Action Research Network Conference in Dublin 29th October 2022.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2022) Sustaining and Thriving Transformative Living Educational Theory Research and Practice in Challenging Times and Contexts, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Transformative Educational Research and Sustainable Development, pp. 68-75, Luitel, B. C., Dahal, N., Pant, B. D. & Panta, C. N. Nepal, Kathmandu University.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2022) Webinar on improving your practice through Action and Living Educational Theory Research - to Pusat Pengajaran Pembelajaran Universiti (UTLC) Malaysia
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2022) How can the living-educational-theories of Teacher Educators promote teaching and learning for an inclusive, interconnected world? Presented to the ATEE 2022 Winter Conference in Sestri Levante, Italy 20-22 April 2022, with the theme, 'Teaching and learning for an inclusive, interconnected world'.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2022)Enhancing academic citizenship, service and community engagement with Living Educational Theory Research. A presentation to Durban University of Technology's Annual Learning and Teaching Imbizo, 23rd November 2022.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2021) A Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Continuing Educational, Professional Development. KWARTALNIK PEDAGOGICZNY 2021 NUMER 4(264), 163-185.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M, (2021) Why a focus on 'What is educational?' matters so much in reconstructing education? Paper presented at the 2022 Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, with the theme 'Reconstructing Education: what matters?' 7-9 April 2022 at theMarino Institute of Education, Dublin, Ireland.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2021) Enhancing Research Literacy for Educators: A Living Educational Theory Research Approach, in Boyd, P., Szplit, A. & Zbrog, Z. (2021) Developing Teachers' Research Literacy: International Perspective. Wydawnictwo LIBRON - Filip Lohner
pdf Whitehead, J. (2021) Enhancing Professionalism in Education Through Living Educational Theory Research. A paper presented on the 9th September 2021 to the Association of Teacher Education in Europe, Annual Conference.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2021) 'Enhancing educational influences in learning with a Living Theory approach to Pedagogical Action Research in Higher Education.' Educational Action Research 29(2); 310-327. You can access the final draft before publication.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2021) Accepting Educational Responsibility: Building Living Theory Cultures of Educational Inquiry in a UK/global context. A contribution to a symposium presentation on 'Accepting Educational Responsibility: Building Living Theory Cultures of Educational Inquiry in Global Contexts' at the April 2021 Conference of the American Educational Research Association on 'Accepting Responsibility'.
pdf Delong, J., Whitehead, J., Mishra, S. & Vaughan, M. (2021). Symposium presented at the 2021 Conference of the American Educational Research Association on Accepting Educational Responsibility: Building Living Theory Cultures of Educational Inquiry in global contexts.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2020)Imagine tomorrow: Practitioner learning for the future in Educational Living Theory research. Action Learning and Action Research Journal, 26(2), 17-44.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2020) Contributing to moving action research to activism with Living Theory research. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 20(3) 55-73.
pptx Whitehead, J. (2020) A living educational theory approach to action research and pedagogical practice. Keynote to Action Research on Pandemic Pedagogy Webinar hosted in Malaysia on 20 June 2020.
pdf Whitehead, J., Delong, J., Huxtable, M., Campbell, E., Griffin, C. & Mounter, M. (2020) Self-Study in Elementary and Secondary Teaching: A Living Theory Approach, in Kitchen, J., Berry, A., Bullock, S., Crowe, A., Taylor, M, Guojonsdottir, H. & Thomas, L. (2020). 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Springer. Final draft before publication.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) Creating a living-educational-theory from questions of the kind, 'how do I improve my practice?' 30 years on with Living Theory research. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 12(2): 1-19.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) Connecting curriculum development, creativity and professional learning through Living Theory research. Paper presented at the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) conference on 29-30 November 2019 at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2019) Living Theory research: enhancing the quality and effectiveness of Professional Development and learning of Educational-Practitioners working across ages, stages and contexts. Workshop presented at the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) conference on 29-30 November 2019 at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) The action learning, action research experiences of professionals - ALARj 25(1): 11-27. A keynote presentation to the 10th World Congress of the Action Learning Action Research Association with the theme of "The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change: Individuals, Professionals, and Communities" Developments, Organizational Advancements, and Global Initiatives', 18 June 2018 in Norwich University, Vermont, USA.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) A Living Theory approach to the professional development of teachers. Address to the International Conference on 'The Teacher's Identity and Job Profile as a Professional at the MELINA Cultural Centre in Athens, Greece on the 8th November 2019.
pdf Delong, J., Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2019) Where do we go from here in contributing to 'The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change?'. ALARj 25(1): 65-73. Workshop presentation at the 2019 ALARA Conference in Norwich University, Vermont, USA.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) What makes 'educational research' educational? Paper presented at the 2019 Conference of the British Educational Research Association Conference on the 11th September 2019 at the University of Manchester
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) Contributing to Moving Action Research to Activism with Living Theory Research. Paper presented to the Action Research Network of the Americas Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2019
pdf Delong, J.D.D., Huxtable, M., Rawal, S. & Whitehead, J. (2019) An interactive symposium paper for the CARN/ALARA Conference 17-19 October 2019 in Split, Croatia with the theme: 'Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future'. Imagining tomorrow in the generation of living-educational-theories with learning for the future.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) Living Theory research making a difference in communities and organisations: continuing conversations. Report on a gathering in Bath, UK, hosted by Rachael Burgess
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) Action Research for Self-study and Living-Educational-Theories. DRAFT before publication in Zuber-Skeritt, O., Wood, L. (2019) Action Learning and Action Research: Genres and Approaches. Bingley; Emerald
pdf Whitehead, J. (2019) The underlying importance of context and voice in action research. In: Mertler, Craig A., (ed.) The Wiley handbook of action research in education. Wiley handbooks in education . Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 207-228. (Final draft before publication)
pdf Stringer, Ernest (Ernie) , Dick, Bob and Whitehead, Jack (2019) Worldwide perspectives on action research in education. In: Mertler, Craig A. , (ed.) The Wiley handbook of action research in education. Wiley handbooks in education . Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 97-113. (Final draft before publication)
pdf Mounter, J., Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2019) Using TASC and Spirals in Living Theory research in explanations of educational influences in a global social movement. Gifted Education International, 35(2); 91-109
pdf Wood, L., McAteer, M. & Whitehead, J. (2019) How are Action Researchers Contributing to Knowledge Democracy? A Global Perspective. Educational Action Research 27(1); 7-21.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2018) 'Emancipation and Epistemicide : Two approaches to professing higher educational research', a paper presented at the conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) on 'Dialogue between ontology and epistemology: New perspectives on theory and methodology in research on learning and education', 27 August 2018, Homerton College, Cambridge.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2018) Presentation on Evidence-based practice and pedagogic research, at the SOLSTICE e-learning and CLT Conference at Edge Hill University on the 8th June 2018
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2018) Living Co-operative Values in Educational Contexts. Paper presented to the Co-operative College on the 2nd May 2018 in Manchester, UK.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2018) Notes to support Jack Whitehead's keynote to the 10th World Congress of ALARA on 18 June 2018 in Norwich University, Vermont, USA
pdf A workshop at the 10th ALARA World Congress at Norwich University, Vermont, USA on the 19th June 2018 on "Where do we go from here in contributing to 'The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change?'" Delong, Whitehead & Huxtable.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2018) Living Theory Research As A Way Of Life. Bath; Brown Dog Books
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) Jack Whitehead's review of Dawn Garbett & Alan Ovens (Ed) (2017) Being Self-Study Researchers in a Digital World. Switzerland; Springer International Publishing.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) A Living Theory Approach To Changing Perspectives In Contemporary Teaching. Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Conference in Dobrovnik, Croatia, 23-25 October 2017
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) The Practice of Helping Students to Find Their First Person Voice in Creating Living-Theories for Education
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2017) Enhancing Professionalism in Education through Inquiry Learning: a Living Theory Research Approach in Pete Boyd & Agnieszka Szplit (Ed.) (2017) Teachers and Teacher Educators Learning Through Inquiry: International Perspectives. Kielce Krakow; Wydawnictwo Attyka.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) Enhancing Professionalism in Education through Inquiry Learning: a Living Theory Research Approach in Pete Boyd & Agnieszka Szplit (Ed.) (2017) Teachers and Teacher Educators Learning Through Inquiry: International Perspectives. Kielce Krakow; Wydawnictwo Attyka.
pdf Whitehead, J., Delong, J. & Huxtable M. (2017) Participation and Democratization of Knowledge: Living Theory research for Reconciliation from ARNA 2015-ARNA 2017 A presentation at the 2017 Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas 12-16 June 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) Legitimation of Post-Formalism with Living Theories. Pre-publication draft of a chapter published in Letiche, H, & Jensen, H. (eds), 2017, ' Post Formalism, Pedagogy Lives: as inspired by Joe Kincheloe'. London; Peter Lang (2018)
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) Practice and Theory in Action Research: Living-Theories as Frameworks for Action, pp. 387-401 in Rowell, L. L., Bruce, C., Shosh, J. M. & Riel, M. M. (2016) Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research, US; Palgrave Macmillan.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2017) Preparation for the '1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy: towards an ecology of knowledges' in Cartagena, Columbia. Hosted by Rachael Burgess in Bath, UK.
pdf Jack Whitehead's 2016 Book Review of: de Sousa Santos, B. (2014) Epistemologies of the South: Justice against Epistemicide. London; Paradigm Publishers. Published in a 2016 issue of the Educational Journal of Living Theories 9(2), 87-98
pdf Jack Whitehead's 2016 Book Review of: Academic Autoethnography: Inside Teaching in Higher Education, Daisy Pillay, Inanathen Naicker and Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan (eds.). 2016, Rotterdam; Sense Publishers. Published in a 2016 issue of the Educational Journal of Living Theories 9(1), 139-147.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2016) How do we improve our contribution to the professional development of educational practitioners by enacting a self-study methodology? in Garbett, D. & Ovens, P. (Ed.) (2016) Enacting self-study research as methodology for professional inquiry. Self-study of Teacher Education Practices, pp. 45-52.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2016) 'Embracing the 'messiness' of action research in enhancing your educational influences in learning with the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI). Notes for a presentation by Jack Whitehead to a meeting of NEARI in Dublin on the 16th January 2016.'
pdf Whitehead, J. (2016) How am I integrating the personal and political in improving professional practice and generating educational knowledge with collaborative/cooperative action research? A paper presented at the CARN 2016 Conference at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln, UK, 10-13 November, with the theme of 'Integrating the Personal and Political in Professional Practice.'
pdf Whitehead, J. (2016) Introductory comments for a workshop on Teaching and Action Research at the University of San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 26-29 September, 2016.
pptx Whitehead, J. (2016) Introductory slides for a workshop on Teaching and Action Research at the University of San Simon, Cochabamba, Boliva, 26-29 September 2016.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2016) Developments in living-educational-theories of holistic approaches to poverty, globalisation and schooling: A Living Theory research approach. A virtual presentation to the 'International Conference on Poverty Globalisation and Schooling: A holistic approach' at the University of Central Florida on the 20th February 2016.
pdf Delong, J., Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2016) Town Hall: Come and join our live conversation with an international community of practitioner action researchers. A Town Hall Meeting at the Action Research Network of the Americas Conference on the 8th May 2015 at the University of Toronto, Canada
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2016) How does Living Educational Theory research enable individuals to research into their higher education to improve it and contribute to educational knowledge? A presentation by Marie Huxtable to the BERA HE SIG Symposium on Researching into Higher Education: Innovative Research Methods, Friday 8th May 2015 | 10.00-15.00, Institute of Education, London.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2016) Creating a Profession of Educators with the living-theories of Master and Doctor Educators, Gifted Education International, 32(1) 6-25. Click on pdf on the left for the full pre-publication contents
pdf Whitehead, J. (2015) How Could Living Theory Research Contribute To The Action Research Network Of The Americas? Paper presented to the Action Research Network of the Americas Conference on the 8th May 2015 in Toronto.
pdf Delong, J., Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2015) Come and join our live conversation with an international community of practitioner action researchers. A Town Hall Meeting at the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) on the 8th May 2015 in Toronto.
pdf Whitehead, J., Delong, J., Griffin, C. & Campbell, E. (2015) Improving practice with Living Theory research in living-cultures-of-inquiry. A Workshop at the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) on the 9th May 2015 in Toronto.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2015) How Could Living Theory Research Contribute To The Action Research Network Of The Americas? Paper presented to the Action Research Network of the Americas Conference on the 8th May 2015 in Toronto.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2015) Improving Schools With Action and Living Theory Research. A keynote presentation to the conference on 'Action Research and Approaches to School Improvement', in Nicosia, Cyprus on the 25th April 2015.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2015) The Practice of Helping Students to Find Their First Person Voice in Creating Living-Theories for Education, pp. 247-255 in Bradbury, H. (Ed) (2015) The SAGE Handbook of Action Research, Third Edition, London; Sage. Copy before final corrections because of copyright restrictions
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2015), Notes for a Workshop On Living Theory Research: Innovative Research Methods In Researching One's Own Higher Education, University of Cumbria, Carlisle, 3rd June 2015.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2015) Living-educational-theories of holistic approaches to poverty, globalisation and schooling: A Living Theory approach. A virtual presentation to the 'International Conference on Poverty Globalisation and Schooling: A holistic approach' at the University of Central Florida on the 26-28th February 2015.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) keynote presentation at the conference at the Institute for Adult Learning Singapore (IAL) with the theme of Transforming Continuing Education and Training (CET): innovations in Workplace Practice and Learning on the 11th July 2014.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) A self-study contribution to a history of the self-study of teacher education practices, in Garbett, D. & Ovens, A. (Ed.) (2014) Changing Practices for Changing Times: Past Present and Future Possibilities for Self-Study Research; Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices August 3rd - 7th, 2014, Herstmonceaux Castle, East Sussex, England.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) Draft submitted for the Sage Handbook of Action Research on 'The skills of the practice of helping students to find their first person voice in creating living-theories for Education'
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) Enacting Educational Reflexivity in Supervising Research into Creating living-educational-theories. Journal Educational Research for Social Change 3(2); 81-93.
pdf Coombs, S., Potts, M. & Whitehead, J. (2014) 'International Educational Development and Learning through Sustainable Partnerships: Living Global Citizenship' London; Palgrave Macmillan.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) Living Theories, in the Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research, edited by David Coghlan and Mary Brydon-Miller, pp 514-516. Here is the draft paper I submitted in 2012.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) A Self-Study Contribution To A History Of The Self-Study Of Teacher Education Practices. A presentation at the 10th CASTLE Conference of S-STEP 2014, Herstmonceux Castle, August 2014.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2014) Generating living-educational-theories From Changing Practices For Changing Times: Past, Present And Future Possibilities Of Self-study Research. A presentation at the 10th CASTLE Conference of S-STEP 2014, Herstmonceux Castle, August 2014.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2014) How does the constraining power of education researchers influence the emergence of educational knowledge and theory? A presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, April, 2014.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Delong J. (2014) Self-study contributions to a history of S-STEP, A presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, April, 2014.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2013) Evolving a living-educational-theory within the living boundaries of cultures-of-inquiry. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 6(2); 12-24
pdf Whitehead, J. (2013) Notes and video from the keynote presentation on the 4 July 2013 to the 6th International Conference on Teacher Education with the theme "Changing Reality Through Education", at the MOFET Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel.
pdf Delong, J., Griffin, C., Campbell, E. & Whitehead, J. (2013) The significance of living-theory action research in a culture of inquiry transforms learning in elementary, high school and post-graduate settings. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 6(2); 78-96
pdf Campbell, E., Delong, J., Griffin, C. & Whitehead, J. (2013) Introduction to living theory action research in a culture of inquiry transforms learning in elementary, high school and post-graduate settings. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 6(2); 1-11
pdf Whitehead, J. (2013) A living logic for educational research. A presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Sussex, 5th September.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2013) Researching To Overcome Poverty With Action Research And Living Educational Theories. A presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Sussex, 4th September.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2013). Living-educational-theories as Transformational Continuing Professional Development. A presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Sussex, 5th September.
pdf Potts, M., Coombs, S. & Whitehead, J. (2013) Developing Cultural Empathy And The Living Global Citizenship Agenda: The Social Role And Impact Of Technology In Supporting Global Partnerships. A presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Sussex, 5th September.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2013) Living educational theory research as transformational continuing professional development, Gifted Education International 29(3); 221-227
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2013) Living educational theory research as transformational continuing professional development, Gifted Education International 29(3); 221-227
pdf Delong, J., Campbell, E., Whitehead, J. & Griffin, C. (2013) How are we creating cultures of inquiry with self-studies that transcend constraints of poverty on empathetic learning? Presented at the 2013 American Educational Research Association Conference in San Francisco with the Theme: Education and Poverty: Theory, Research, Policy and Praxis
html Whitehead, J. (2012) Educational Research for Social Change with Living Educational Theories, Educational Research for Social Change, 1(1); 5-21
Whitehead, J. (2012) Living educational theories for action research in a turbulent world, in Zuber-Skerritt, O., (Ed.), Action research for sustainable development in a turbulent world (pp.69-86). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2012) Action Research to Improve Coaching with Living Theories. A keynote address to the Association for Coaching 10th Anniversary Conference from Inner Game to Neuroscience on the 22nd June 2012 in Edinburgh.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2012) Jack Whitehead's Discussant's Comments with video for the Symposium "Starting With Ourselves": Perspectives From the Transformative Education(al) Studies Project. 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 14th April 2012 in Vancouver.
pdf Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (2012) The educational significance of a teaching model for the creation of a culture of inquiry. Presented on the 17th April at the 2012 AERA Conference in Vancouver
pdf Whitehead, J. (2012) To Know Is Not Enough, Or Is it? Paper presented on the 14th April at the 2012 AERA Conference in Vancouver in the Symposium, To Know Is Not Enough: Action Research As The Core of Educational Research
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Theories produced by practitioner researchers: Contribution to improvement both locally and globally. A keynote presentation on the 16th November 2011 to a workshop at Solstrand, Norway with the theme of 'Research on Teacher Education: Past present, future', in the context of developing an agenda for Norwegian research on teacher education.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Developing a relationally dynamic epistemology for educational knowledge - Presentation at the British Educational Research Association Conference, 7th September 2011.
mp4 Whitehead, J. (2011) Creativity: Enhancing our Vision of the Future with Multimedia Representations of Learning. Video of Jack Whitehead's keynote to the 2011 DIVERSE conference at Dublin City University, Ireland.
pdf Whitehead, J. Review of Huber, J. & Mompoint-Gaillard, P. (Ed.) (2011) Teacher education for change: The theory behind the Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme. Strasbourg; Council of Europe.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Web-Resources to Support Action Research in the Function of Professional Development of Teachers, in Kovacevic, D. & Dominic, R. O. (Ed.) (2011) Action Research for the Professional Development of Teachers. Zagreb: Education and Teacher Training Agency
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Notes for Jack Whitehead's Mandela Day Lecture on the 18th July 2011 in Durban, South Africa, with a 63 minute video of the presentation.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) multi-media narratives for research into the influences of educational leadership and professional learning, at Bath Spa University on the 7th June 2011
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Presentation to the 'Value and Virtue in Practice-based Research' Conference at York St. John University, 1-2 June, 2011
pdf Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (2011)Transforming educational knowledge through making explicit the embodied knowledge of educators for the public good. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference in New Orleans 8-12 April 2011
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Relational dynamic framing for four of Jack Whitehead's presentations at the American Educational Research Association Conference in New Orleans 8-12 April 2011
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Keynote to the 2011 Workshop on Alternative Research Paradigms at Covenant University, Nigeria, 14th February 2011
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Accounting for Ourselves in our Living Educational Theories. Foundation Hour Presentation at Liverpool Hope University on the 12th January 2011.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2011) Keynote to the 125 Anniversary Conference at Edge Hill University on the 20th October 2010, on The Teacher as Researcher and the Researcher as Teacher
htm Whitehead, J. (2011) Action Planning In Improving Practice And Generating Educational Knowledge In Creating Your Own Living Educational Theory
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2010) How are we sustaining educational relationships to improve educational practices with teachers and pupils in the generation of educational knowledge? Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 1-4 September 2010
pdf Whitehead, J. (2010) How do I contribute to enhancing the flow of values that carry hope for humanity in personal, professional, local and global contexts and generate educational knowledge? Presented at CARN 2010. Published in CARN Bulletin No. 16 2013.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2010) Meanings of Empathetic Resonance and Validity in Visual Narratives: A passion for compassion and loving what we are doing
pdf Whitehead, J. (2010) Creating An Educational Epistemology In The Multi-Media Narratives Of Living Educational Theories And Living Theory Methodologies. Action Researcher in Education 1(1); 89-109.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2010) Improving Practice And Knowledge Through Time And Space With Complex Ecologies And Action Research. A paper presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association in Denver, USA with the theme of Understanding Complex Ecologies In A Changing World. Saturday 1st May, Colorado Convention Center.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2010). As an Educator and Educational Researcher, How Do I Improve What I Am Doing and Contribute to Educational Theories That Carry Hope for the Future of Humanity? Inquiry in Education: Vol. 1: Iss. 2, Article 2.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) Generating living theory and understanding in action research studies. Action Research 7(1): 85-99
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) Generating Educational Theories That Can Explain Educational Influences In Learning - A presentation in the keynote symposium on Explicating A New Epistemology For Educational Knowledge With Educational Responsibility at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference on the 3rd September 2009 at the University of Manchester.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) Risk and Resilience in Higher Education in Improving Practice and Generating Knowledge. A keynote presentation at the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa 2009 Conference in Johannesburg, 25-27 November 2009.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) How Do I Influence The Generation Of Living Educational Theories For Personal And Social Accountability in Improving Practice? Using A Living Theory Methodology In Improving Educational Practice. Last draft before publication in Tidwell, D., Heston, M. & Fitzgerald, L. (Ed) (2009) Research Methods for the Self-Study of Practice. Dordrecht, Springer.
htm Whitehead, J. (2009) Multi-media notes for MA session on Tuesday 9th June 09, 5.15-7.00, Department of Education, University of Bath
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) Self-study, Living Educational Theories, and the Generation of Educational Knowledge. Studying Teacher Education, 5(2); 107-11.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Rayner, A. (2009) From Dialectics to Inclusionality: A naturally inclusive approach to educational accountability
pdf Whitehead, J. (2009) An epistemological transformation in educational knowledge from S-STEP research: Jack Whitehead's introduction to the S-STEP session on Monday 13th April 2009, in San Diego.
htm Whitehead, J. (2008) How Do We Enhance Our Educational Influences In Learning Through The Expression And Development Of Our Talents In The Production Of Gifts? A paper produced on the 6th December 2008 following a meeting of leaders of gifts, talents and education in the Guildhall Bath on the 18th November 2008.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) An Epistemological Transformation in what counts as Educational Knowledge: Responses to Laidlaw and Adler-Collins in Research Intelligence No. 105, November 2008.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Using a living theory methodology in improving practice and generating educational knowledge in living theories. EJOLTS, 1(1); 103-126
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Teacher CPD; an opportunity for teachers to develop their talents and create, value and offer their educational gifts? Paper presented on 4th September 2008 at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Heriot-Watt University.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Increasing inclusion in educational research: A response to Pip Bruce Ferguson in Research Intelligence No. 103, June 2008.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Collaborative Living Educational Theory Action Research in China. Keynote presented at a conference of China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Ningxia Teachers University, China, June 2008.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Using A Living Theory Methodology In Improving Practice And Generating Knowledge. A Presentation at Zhejiang University, China on 13 June 2008
pdf Whitehead, J. (2008) Combining Voices In Living Educational Theories That Are Freely Given In Teacher Research. Keynote presentation for the International Conference of Teacher Research on Combining Voices in Teacher Research, New York, 28 March 2008.Including a video of the keynote
htm Whitehead, J. (2008) Combining Voices In Living Educational Theories That Are Freely Given In Teacher Research. Keynote presentation for the International Conference of Teacher Research on Combining Voices in Teacher Research, New York, 28 March 2008.
htm Whitehead, J. (2008) How are living educational theories being produced and legitimated in the boundaries of cultures in resistance? Presentation for the Cultures in Resistance Conference. The 7th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 18-20 March 2008 Manchester Metropolitan University.
htm Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (2007) A living theory approach to educational policy formation, implementation and evaluation:forming and sustaining a culture of inquiry for teacher-researchers as leaders of learning in a School Board. For ICTR 2007 at National-Louis University, Chicago, 13 April 2007.
htm Whitehead, J. (2007) How Have I Improved My Way To Professionalism In Education? 1967-2007. A gift for the Department of Education of Newcastle University on the 13 July 2007 in memory of the creative educational space offered to this student of Education in 1966/7
pdf Whitehead, J. (2007) Generating Educational Theories That Can Explain Educational Influences In Learning: living logics, units of appraisal, standards of judgment. A presentation in the Symposium on Generating Educational Theories That Can Explain Educational Influences In Learning, at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, 5-8 September 2007.
pdf Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. Creating living standards of judgment for practice-based research in the professions through our question, How do i~we improve our educational practices? Paper presented at the 2006 British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Warwick
htm Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2006) How are we co-creating living standards of judgement in action-researching our professional practices? Multi-media proposal for presentation at the World Congress of ALARPM and PAR 21-24 August 2006 in Groningen.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2006) How are we co-creating living standards of judgement in action-researching our professional practices? Multi-media text presented at the World Congress of ALARPM and PAR 21-24 August 2006 in Groningen.
pdf Whitehead, J. & Huxtable, M. (2006) How are we co-creating living standards of judgement in action-researching our professional practices? Printed text in the Conference Proceedings of the World Congress of ALARPM and PAR 21-24 August 2006 in Groningen.
htm Whitehead, J. (2006) The Living Educational Theories of Workers as Action Researchers and Lifelong Learners. A web-based keynote address to the Work-based Learning Network Conference 25th April, 2006, University of Northampton.
htm Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (2006) Researching connections between the systemic influences of an educational leader and the explanations of teacher-researchers of their educational influences in learning. Presentation at the Invisible College Conference in San Francisco on the 6th April 2006.
htm Whitehead, J. (2006) How action research contributes to the public's best interest in terms of personal, professional, community, and social change. Notes for an interactive panel discussion at AERA on 8th April 2006.
htm Farren, M., Whitehead, J. & and Whitehead, J. (2006) Experiencing and evidencing educational influences in learning through self-study using ICT in schools and universities. A presentation at the AERA Conference in San Francisco on the 8th April 2006.
htm Whitehead, J. (2006) How do I express and communicate embodied values of Ubuntu in an explanation of their educational influence in my own learning and in the learning of others? Draft paper, 12 March 2006.
htm McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. (2006) Notes for Jean McNiff's and Jack Whitehead's Action Research Workshops in South Africa, 19 Feb. to 3 March 2006
htm Whitehead, J, McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. (2006) Programme for Joan Whitehead and for Jean McNiff's and Jack Whitehead's Action Research Workshops in South Africa, 19 Feb. to 3 March 2006
htm Whitehead, J. (2006) Improving Education With Our Pupils Through Practitioner-Research: How do I improve what I am doing? 10.00-12.30, 11th March 2006, Room 1WN 3.11, Department of Education, University of Bath.
htm Whitehead, J. (2005) Notes for a contribution to a British Council Seminar on 6th December 2005 in Bath on Teachers' Professional Development Through Research.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2005) Living inclusional values in educational standards of practice and judgement. Keynote for the Act, Reflect, Revise III Conference, Brantford Ontario. 11th November 2005. Ontario Action Researcher, 8(2).
pdf Farren, M. & Whitehead, J. (2005) Educational Influences in Learning with Visual Narratives. A multi-media presentation to the 5th International DIVERSE Conference at Vanderbilt University, USA on 5th July, 2005. Proceedings published December 2006
htm Whitehead, J. (2005) Conference Presentations at BERA 05 on 15 September 2005, 14.30-16.00, University of Glamorgan, on Creating Inclusional and Postcolonial Living Educational Theories, with Je Kan Adler-Collins, Margaret Farren, Marian Naidoo and Jack Whitehead together with the original proposal
htm McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. (2005) Teachers as Educational Theorists: Transforming Epistemological Hegemonies. Paper Presentation on 16 September 2005 at BERA 05.
htm Whitehead, J. (2005) How Can We Improve The Educational Influences Of Our Teacher-Researcher Quests? Keynote Presentation on 16 April 2005 at the ICTR Conference at McGill University.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2005) How Do Our Web-Based Resources Reveal Living Standards of Democratic Accountability in Our Educational Practices? A contribution on 14 April 2005 at the AERA Conference in Montreal
htm Whitehead, J. & McNiff, J. (2005) How Do We Explain Our Educational Influence in Living Our Democratic Values? A presentation at the AERA Conference in Montreal on 13 April 2005 ,
htm Black, C., Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (2005) Demographic and Educational Influence of Our Leadership and Administration Practices Using Democratic Accountability. A presentation at AERA Conference in Montreal on 12 April 2005,
pdf Whitehead, J. & McNiff, J. (2004) Ontological, epistemological and methodological commitments in practitioner-research. Paper presented at the BERA 04 Symposium 17 Sept. in Manchester on: "Have We Created A New Epistemology For The New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Practitioner Research? Developing Sustainable Global Educational Networks Of Communication"
pdf Whitehead, J. (2004) Do the values and living logics I express in my educational relationships carry the hope of Ubuntu for the future of humanity? Paper presented at the BERA 04 Symposium 16 Sept. in Manchester on: "How Are We Contributing To A New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Our Pedagogisation Of Postcolonial Living Educational Theories In The Academy?"
html Whitehead, J. (2004)Can I communicate the educational influence of my embodied values, in self-studies of my own education, in the education of others and in the education of social formations, in a way that contributes to a scholarship of educational enquiry? Draft presentation for the Fifth international Conference of S-STEP, 27June - 1July 2004
html Whitehead, J. (2004) What Counts as Evidence in the Self-studies of Teacher Education Practices? - final draft before publication in Loughran, J. J., Hamilton, M. L., LaBoskey V. K & Russell, T. (eds) (2004) International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Dordrecht; Kluwer Academic Publishers
pdf Whitehead, J. (2003) What is educational in what I do for myself, for others and for the education of social formations? A contribution to a conversation on theory in action research. A Presentation to an invitational conference at the University of Limerick 5-7th June 2003
html Whitehead, J. (2003) Improving Student Learning Through Passion in Professional Practice. Keynote to Ontario Educational Research Council on 28 November 2003
html Delong, J., Black, C. & Whitehead, J. (2003) How have we, as practitioner-researchers, accounted for the quality of our educational influences with teacher researchers and in the education of social formations? Paper presented at the International Conference of Teacher Research: April 26, 2003 in Evanston, Illinois.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2003)Creating our living educational theories in teaching and learning to care: Using multi-media to communication the meanings and influence of our embodied educational values. Teaching Today for Tomorrow. Issue 19, pp. 17-20. (Click on the section for Issue 19 in pdf format and scroll down to page 19)
html Whitehead, J. (2003) The Growth of My Educational Knowledge in Responding to the Originalities of Mind and Critical Judgements of Others. A contribution to a Monday Evening Educational Conversation on 10th Nov. 2003
pdf Whitehead, J. (2003) Can I explain the influence of spiritual values in my education, in the education of others and in the education of social formations? Notes for a workshop on Perspectives on Spirituality in the Graduate School of Education of the University of Bristol on 19th March, 2003.
word Whitehead, J. (2003) Can I explain the influence of spiritual values in my education, in the education of others and in the education of social formations? Notes for a workshop on Perspectives on Spirituality in the Graduate School of Education of the University of Bristol on 19th March, 2003.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2002) How Valid Are Multi-Media Communications Of My Embodied Values In Living Theories And Standards Of Educational Judgement And Practice? Paper presented at AERA 2002, New Orleans
word Whitehead, J. (2002) How Valid Are Multi-Media Communications Of My Embodied Values In Living Theories And Standards Of Educational Judgement And Practice? Paper presented at AERA 2002, New Orleans
word Whitehead, J. (2002) Draft paper of 11th June, 2002, for discussion on Transforming embodied values of humanity into educational standards of judgement for use in creating a new disciplines approach to educational theory.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2001) Action Research: research methodology based on field activities. Lecture to the 6th Japan Academy of Diabetes Education, 15 September 2001. Published in 2005 in The Journal of the Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing, Vol. 5, pp. 34-37.
html Whitehead, J. (2001)Review of Unfolding Bodymind: Hocking, Brent; Haskell, Johnna; and Linds, Warren. (Eds.) (2001) Unfolding Bodymind: Exploring Possibility Through Education, Volume Three of the Foundations of Holistic Education Series. Brandon, VT: Psychology Press/Holistic Education Press.
html Whitehead, J. (2001) Living standards of judgement in what we know and how we know it. Paper presented at AERA on 14th April 2001 in Seattle - Division D.
word Whitehead, J. & Delong, J. (2001) Knowledge-creation in Educational Leadership and Administration Through Practitioner Research. Paper presented on 14th April 2001 at AERA in Seattle - Division K.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2000) Living Standards of Reflection, Research and Renewal. Keynote to the Ontario Educational Research Council Conference, 7th December 2000, Toronto
html Murray, P. & Whitehead J. (2000) White and Black with White Identities in self-studies of teacher-educator practices. Paper presented at AERA 2000, New Orleans
word Whitehead, J. (2000) Ways of knowing our educative influences on our students' learning. How valid are multi-media presentations and our associated explanations? Paper presented at AERA 2000, New Orleans
word Whitehead, J. (2000) 'How do I improve my practice? Creating a discipline of education through educational enquiry. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Teacher Research at Baton Rouge, April 2000
pdf Whitehead, J. (2000) How Do I Improve My Practice? Creating and legitimating an epistemology of practice. Reflective Practice 1(1): 91-104.
pdf Whitehead, J. (2000) Creating Our Own Knowledge. Keynote to the Act, Reflect, Revise IV Conference, in Brantford, Ontario, 17th February, 2000.
pdf Lomax, P., Evans, M., Parker, Z. & Whitehead, J. (1999) Knowing Ourselves as Teacher Educators: joint self-study through electronic mail, Educational Action Research, 7(2); 230-262.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1999) Action Research in Teacher Training and in the Living Theories of Professional Educators. Paper presented at the University of Patras to a Conference organised by the Greek Centre for Educational Research, on 17 April 1999.
word Whitehead, J. (1999) Action Research in Teacher Training and in the Living Theories of Professional Educators. Paper presented at the University of Patras to a Conference organised by the Greek Centre for Educational Research, on 17 April 1999.
html Whitehead, J. (1999) Educative Relations in a New Era. Paper published in Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 73-90, 1999.
word Whitehead, J. (1999) How do I improve my practice? Creating a New Discipline of Educational Enquiry. Vol.1, PhD Thesis, University of Bath
pdf Whitehead, J. (1999) How do I improve my practice? Creating a New Discipline of Educational Enquiry. Vol.1, PhD Thesis, University of Bath
pdf Whitehead, J. (1999) How do I improve my practice? Creating a New Discipline of Educational Enquiry. Vol.2 - including Vol.1, PhD Thesis, University of Bath
pdf Whitehead, J. (1999) Creating a New Discipline of Educational Enquiry in the Context of the Politics and Economics of Educational Knowledge. Paper presented at the BERA Symposium in AERA 1999 in Montreal.
word Whitehead, J. (1999) How can School and University Teachers Reconstruct Educational Knowledge? Paper presented at the AERA Interactive Session, 'Not Talking Past Each Other: Cultural Roles in Educational Research'. AERA, April 1999. Montreal.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1999) Jack Whitehead's curriculum proposal for programme GS 570 on 'A Special Topic in Educational Leadership' on 'Action Research Approaches to Educational Leadership' at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, 5-16 July 1999.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) Educational action researchers creating their own living educational theories. A paper presented to the Action Research SIG, Session 9.45 at AERA, San Diego, 13-17 April 1998.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) Developing research-based professionalism through living educational theories. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland, in Dublin on 27 November,1998.
word Whitehead, J. (1998) Developing research-based professionalism through living educational theories. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland, in Dublin on 27 November,1998.
word Whitehead, J. (1998) Taking Charge of Educational Change with Action Research. This paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education at Warwick University on 11 October, 1998.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) The philosophies of an educator and some philosophies of education. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association in Belfast 27-30 August 1998, to the Symposium on 'Philosophy and Educational Research' convened by David Bridges.
html Whitehead, J. (1998) Educational Theories of Educational Change within Higher Education: Robustness in the Roman Ruins. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association in Belfast 27-30 August 1998, to the Symposium on 'Educational Change Within Higher Education' convened by Roger Murphy.

Whitehead, J. (1998) How do I know that I have influenced you for good? Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the AERA Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, SIG. Herstmonceux. August 1998.

pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) Action researchers creating their own living theories. Paper presented to the Action Research SIG session 9.45 of the American Educational Research Association Conference in San Diego on 14/3/98.
rtf Whitehead, J. (1998) Action researchers creating their own living theories. Paper presented to the Action Research SIG session 9.45 of the American Educational Research Association Conference in San Diego on 14/3/98.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) Creating educational theories through paradigmatic and postparadigmatic possibilities. Paper presented at the BERA symposium at session 39.38 of the American Educational Research Association Conference in San Diego on 16/3/98.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1998) How do we make sense of the process of legitimising an educational action research thesis for the award of a Ph.D. degree? - a contribution to educational theory. (with Jacqui Hughes and Paul Denley). Published in Educational Action Research, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 427-452, 1998.
html Delong, J. & Whitehead, J. (1998) Continuously regenerating developmental standards of practice in teacher education: A cautionary note for the Ontario College of Teachers. Ontario Action Researcher, Vol. 1, No.1.

Whitehead, J. (1997) Educational action research and you. Paper presented at The Ontario Educational Research Council Conference on 5/12/97.

word Whitehead, J. (1997) Research and Professional Development: the future of educational research and educational theory in a new university. Paper presented at Kingston University on 21/11/97.
html Whitehead, J. (1997) How I have engaged with the power relations in the academy in supporting the self studies of practitioner-researchers? Paper presented at AERA in March 1997 in Chicago
html Whitehead, J. & Delong, J (1997) A collaborative enquiry into a Ph.D. researcher and supervisor relationship. Paper presented at AERA with Jackie Delong in March 1997 in Chicago
pdf Whitehead, J. (1996) Living Educational Theories and Living Contradictions: a response to Mike Newby. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 30(3) 457-461.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1996) A Better Way To Professionalism: Living Our Values In Our Practice. Lecture presented at Kingston University on the 12 July 1996
pdf Whitehead, J. (1995) Advanced Bluffer's Guide for Educational Action Researchers: Improving the quality of professional practice and creating living educational theories for cultural renewal.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1995) Jack Whitehead's comments on the contributions to the special issue of Teacher Education Quarterly of 1995 on Self-Study and Living Educational Theory.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1994) Creating a Living Educational Theory from an Analysis of My Own Educational Practices: How Do You Create and Test the Validity of Your Living Educational Theory? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, 1994
pdf Whitehead, J. (1994) How Teacher-Researchers Are Creating a New Form of Educational Knowledge. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association(New Orleans, LA, April 4-8, 1994).
html Whitehead, J. (1993) The Growth of Educational Knowledge. Creating Your Own Living Educational Theories. Originally published by Hyde publications in 1993.
McNiff, J., Whitehead, J. & Laidlaw, M. (1992) Creating a Good Social Order through Action Research, 104 pages, Bournemouth; Hyde.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1992) How can my philosophy of action research transform and improve my professional practice and produce a good social order? A response to Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt. Published in Bruce, S. & Russell, A.L. Transforming Tomorrow Today; Brisbane, Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association Incorporated, Brisbane Australia.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1992) How can my philosophy of action research transform and improve my professional practice and produce a good social order? - A Response to Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt. Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, Bruce, C.S. & Russell, A. L. (Ed.) Brisbane; ALARPM. Inc.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1991) How do I improve my Professional Practice as an Academic and Educational Manager? A dialectical analysis of an individual's educational development and a basis for socially orientated action research. Published in Collins and Chippendale, P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Congress on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management, Vol. 2; Acorn Press. Australia
pdf Whitehead, J. (1991) A dialectical analysis of an individual's educational development and a basis for socially orientated action research. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management. Colins, J.C. & Chippendale, P.J. (Ed.), Vol. 1, 1991, Brisbane, Acorn Press.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1990) How can I improve my contribution to practitioner research in teacher education? A Response to Jean Rudduck. Westminster Studies in Education, 13; 27-36
html Whitehead, J. (1989) How do we Improve Research-based Professionalism in Education?-A question which includes action research, educational theory and the politics of educational knowledge. : 1988 Presidential Address to the British Educational Research Association. Published in the British Educational Research Journal, 15(1); 3-17.
html Whitehead, J. (1989) Creating a living educational theory from questions of the kind, "How do I improve my practice?'. Published in the Cambridge Journal of Education, 19(1); 41-52
pdf Whitehead, J. (1985) A dialectician responds to a philosopher who holds an orthodox view of knowledge. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 10(1); 35-52
pdf Whitehead, J. (1985) An analysis of an individual's educational development - the basis for personally orientated action research. Published in Shipman, M. (Ed.) Educational Research: Principles, Policies and Practice, pp. 97-108; Falmer; London.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1983) The Use of Personal Educational Theories in In-Service Education. British Journal of In-service Education, 9(3); 174-177.
pdf Whitehead, J. (1982) A Dialectician's Guide for Educational Researchers- Presented at BERA 1982 at St. Andrew's University
pdf Whitehead, J. (1982) Assessing and Evaluating an Individual's Higher Education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 7(1); 74-84
pdf Whitehead, J. (1981) A practical example of a dialectical approach to educational research, in Reason, P. & Rowan, J. (Ed.) Human Inquiry
pdf Whitehead, J. (1980) In-Service Education: The Knowledge Base of Educational Theory. British Journal of Inservice Education, 6(2); 89-92
pdf Whitehead, J. (1977) Improving Learning in Schools - An In-Service Problem. British Journal of Inservice Education, 3(2);104-111
pdf Whitehead, J. (1976) Improving Learning for 11-14 Year Olds in Mixed Ability Science Groups. Final Report August 1976
pdf Whitehead, J. (1976) An 11-14 Mixed Ability Project in Science: The Report on a local curriculum Development. DRAFT March 1976
pdf Whitehead, J. (1967) The Way to Professionalism in Education? A special study on the Diploma of Education programme at the University of Newcastle, Department of Education. Jack Whitehead's first writings on professionalism at the age of 23.

My most ambitious publications to date are the following multimedia publications of October 2008 in the e-Journal the Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTS) on Using a living theory methodology in improving practice and generating educational knowledge in living theories

Click here to view in your browser. Do consider submitting your own living theory for publication in EJOLTS

and of October 2004 in the e-Journal Action Research Expeditions on DO ACTION RESEARCHERS' EXPEDITIONS CARRY HOPE FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY? HOW DO WE KNOW? An enquiry into reconstructing educational theory and educating social formations.

Click here to view in your browser. Do join in the, Discuss This Article, section and add your responses.

I have also included near the bottom of the list of publications above the booklet on Improving Learning for 11-14 Year Olds in Mixed Ability Science Groups from the Schools Council's local curriculum development programme of 1976. This booklet marks a transformation in my learning about the importance of action/reflection cycles in descriptions and explanations of teachers' professional self-development in educational enquiries of the kind, 'How do I improve what I am doing?', in the context of seeking to help pupils to improve their learning. The file is some 5 MB and takes around 1 minute to download using broadband.

I have also included in the list of publications the contents of my 1993 book on The Growth Of Educational Knowledge: Creating Your Own Living Educational Theories.